Publication date 4/11/21, Audio time 9 hrs 7 mins, Book 384 Pages

Impulsive, brave and lovable, Annie Lang is a truly memorable heroine. ‘My story starts and ends at railway stations, though of course I can’t know this yet as I clamber off the boat-train at Victoria that warm May afternoon... ‘ Growing up in a strict religious family between the wars, Annie Lang wasn’t convinced that Jesus was such a great friend to little children. Or why would he have snatched away her lovely mother when she was only six? Witness to disturbing events that no one can explain, Annie is confused and sister Bea can’t help. Six years on and student Annie returns from France to find her brother in the local mental hospital, her father rarely home and her friend and Sunday School teacher missing. With the help of her childhood diary Annie turns detective to try and understand the past. Her journey leads to a discovery that she believes will ruin all their lives, unless they can somehow atone for what has happened. Impulsive, brave and lovable, Annie Lang is formidable when she takes matters into her own hands.
My Review
I really enjoyed this book. Well I enjoyed listening to the audiobook and thought the narrator was great. She really brought the book to life. I really loved reading about the young character coming of age story. Also the not so nice step mother that liked to control her every move. It was the depths of the characters that brought this to life and made it thoroughly enjoyable. The little details made the characters believable making it very easy to relate to them and love or hate them. The book created a great sense of atmosphere and tension for the period. I enjoyed the slightly slower pace of the novel but I lost concentration during the middle of the book and got a little confused. Whether that was my fault or the books is unknown. I really enjoyed the pace at the end of the book. The beginning and end really made this book for me. If it wasn't for the middle section I would of rated it higher as I actually gave it a 3.5 but rounded it up a little. This book would make a great genre hybrid book as it contains part historical fiction, part mystery and part young adult read. Thanks to the author and publishers for allowing us to enjoy this great book. I'm happy I got to enjoy this book.
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