Publication date UK format 21/2/22 Audiotime 7h 20m Book 254 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest. Sorry i was a little behind reviewing this book.

She’s guarded her secret for a lifetime. He’s not ready to let go. Sixty-five years ago. Pushing aside drooping hollyhocks, Elin Jenkins tosses back her dark hair and runs up the familiar path to the tiny village of Capel Celyn, past the mossy graveyard with its crumbling stones, towards the farm that’s been in her family for generations. Laughing, Al catches her around the waist, squeezing her tight. ‘Marry me,’ he whispers. ‘I’ll use my Navy liberty leave, we’ll go ask your parents. I don’t want this to end.’ Tears prick her eyes as she smiles up at him. Three days later, Al is on his ship back to Pennsylvania. And in the months that follow, Elin’s frantic telegrams to him go unanswered. Then she receives the wedding invitation. Scribbled on the back are three words: No hard feelings. Present day. Al Locke, retired Navy Captain, smooths his silver hair and finishes up with a spritz of aftershave. With a spring in his step he hasn’t had for decades, he sets off up the well-worn track through the valley. As he rounds the last bend, his heart begins to race. He has no doubt he will meet her in the village today. He will at last hear the horrible truth of what happened to Elin after he left, and he’ll confess why he couldn’t face coming back… until now. As Al crests the final, familiar hill, a startling brightness draws him in like a vision. Before him, a glittering lake fills the entire valley. The pretty stone village of Capel Celyn, and all trace of Elin, are gone… A beautiful and heartbreaking story about lost love, forgiveness and family secrets. Fans of Fiona Valpy, Kate Morton and Kathleen McGurl will love this book.
My Review
This is a great story about a village in North Wales that was deliberately flooded to create a lake covering a sacred area and hidden secrets. A very unique tale. I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator did a brilliant job. With fantastic accents that I thoroughly enjoyed. I loved the fact the story is set in Wales as its my favourite place to go. So this added to my enjoyment of the book. I felt the author did a fantastic job creating the characters each with there own quirks. Which I loved and connected with them straight away. With the exception of the captain but this could be done deliberately as he keeps his emotion to himself. Although I really enjoyed the story I felt it just need a bit more atmosphere and tension and they ending didn't leave me satisfied. It had so much potential for that wow ending we all love. Maybe im just being picky I will leave it upto you to decide. I am so glad I read the book as I did enjoy it.
Thank you to the author and publishers for bringing us this great unique and interesting novel.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Kindle unlimited or $3.99 Available on Audible Paperback $9.99
Waterstones Paperback £7.99
B&N Paperback $9.99
Amazon UK Kindle unlimited or £1.99 Audible £3.99 Paperback £7.99
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