Publication Date UK format 4/10/22 book 448 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

From the Los Angeles Times Book Prize-winning historian, the colorful, dramatic story of Charles Darwin's journey on HMS Beagle that inspired the revolutionary theories in his path-breaking books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man When twenty-two-year-old aspiring geologist Charles Darwin boarded HMS Beagle in 1831 with his microscopes and specimen bottles--invited by ship's captain Robert FitzRoy who wanted a travel companion at least as much as a ship's naturalist -- he hardly thought he was embarking on what would become the most important and epoch-changing voyage in scientific history. Nonetheless, over the course of the five-year journey around the globe in often hard and hazardous conditions, Darwin would make observations and gather samples that would form the basis of his revolutionary, evolutionary theories about the origin of species and natural selection. Drawing on a rich range of revealing letters, diary entries, recollections of those who encountered him, and Darwin's and FitzRoy's own accounts of what transpired, Diana Preston chronicles the epic voyage as it unfolded, tracing Darwin's growth from untested young man to accomplished adventurer and natural scientist in his own right. Darwin often left the ship to climb mountains or ride hundreds of miles across pampas and through rainforests in search of further unique specimens. From the wilds of Patagonia to the Galapagos and other Atlantic and Pacific islands, as Preston vibrantly relates, he collected and contrasted giant fossils and volcanic rocks, observed the Argentinian rhea, Falklands fox, and Galapagos finch, through which he began to discern connections between deep past and present. Darwin never left Britain again after his return in 1836, though his mind journeyed far and wide to develop the theories that were first revealed, after great delay and with great trepidation, in 1859 with the publication of his epochal book On the Origin of Species. Offering a unique portrait of one of history's most consequential figures, The Evolution of Charles Darwin is a vital contribution to our understanding of life on Earth.
My Review
This was a very interesting read. That I really enjoyed reading. I really tried to finish it in one day ad it was such a fantastic book but sleep won. It is a very well wrote book that follows so well and is obviously very well researched. I loved how the footnotes for this book were at the bottom of each page which is so helpful and so much better than the end of the book. It is a long book as it is packed so full of interesting information but it held my attention throughout. I loved how the book had some wonderful pictures to break up the text and give it that extra dimension. It was a fascinating book that concentrated on Darwin from his rejection to travel on ghe beagle to his actual journey on it and his life afterwards until his death. I have read lots of books about Darwin and loved that this book held information I had never read before which was just brilliant. If you want to read a book about Darwins travel on ghe beagle then this book is definitely for you I certainly recommend it.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this very interesting book that I just loved. It's definitely a page turner.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $15.89, HC $27.49
Waterstones HC £21.99
B&N HC $30.00, E $22.99
KOBO E £16.99
Amazon UK K £14.24, HC £21.99
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