Publication Date 2/11/21 Audio time 17 hours Book 349 Pages

THE END... IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. After a mysterious global event known only as "The Change," six strangers wake up in an underground research facility where they learn that they're part of the Extinction Trials—a scientific experiment to restart the human race. But the Extinction Trials hides a very big secret. And so does the world outside. From A.G. Riddle, the Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestselling author with over FOUR MILLION COPIES SOLD worldwide in twenty languages, comes an epic STANDALONE adventure with a surprise ending unlike anything you've ever read before.
My Review
This book was brilliant it had that air of hunger games to it, the fight to survive and not knowing who to trust. There were plenty of mysteries to solve. It was jam packed with action and adventure. Along with so many twists and turns. I just couldn't predict what was going to happen next. To be honest sci-fi is not my favourite genre as I struggle to find books I like. This one is a little more realistic I could see it happening years into the future minus the creatures of course. I felt that this book would make a really good film it would be better than war of the worlds. I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator really created a brilliant sense of atmosphere and tension. What I loved about this story is you never know who you trust so you were always on the edge of your seat , page turning to find out what happens. The way the characters were portrayed with limited memories so it added greatly to the tension. The ending was brilliant I really wasn't expecting it and found myself saying out wait what !! No way! It was very unique. Many thanks to the author and publishers for bring such a brilliant tension filled novel.
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Amazon US Kindle $8.09 FREE on audible Hardcover $24.05
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