Publication date UK format 1/9/22 book 197 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

A masterful tale of murder and intrigue in a small French town, from the celebrated author of the Maigret series Not only had the rain in the dark streets, with a halo around each light and reflections on the ground, always given him a certain thrill, it also made it easier for him to move around. It has been raining for twenty days in La Rochelle - ever since the first murder. Since then, five more bodies have been found. In the cafes, over card games, a quiet terror of the killer in their midst spreads through the little town. But unknown to anyone, Kachoudas, a poor, timid tailor, has discovered, quite by accident, who the murderer is. As a twisted cat and mouse game begins, Simenon's chilling novel takes us into the darkness of the criminal mind. 'Dark, disturbing ... Simenon discovered something fundamental about the soul' - The Guardian
My Review
This was a good story and I enjoyed reading it. I gave it 3.5 stars rounded up as it is better than 3 stars. It just didn't thrill me enough to get the higher ratings but I enjoyed it all the same. I love reading penguin classics as there is always a wide variety of types of stories. It's classed as general fiction but it felt alot like a mystery/crime. I really loved the fact the book was through the eyes of a the bag guy. I haven't read many books like this. It was a refreshing change to what I normally read. I loved that this book was translated from French but maybe this was why it didn't thrill me so much. I liked the atmosphere and tension. I liked the variety of characters but didn't become emotionally invested in their development. This book would be more suited to fans who love crime mystery book loves or those who like reading books from the killers pov. I definitely felt that the ending was particularly exciting.
Many thanks to the author, translator and publishers for creating this chilling novel.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US PB $11.59
Waterstones PB £8.99
Google Books ebook £3.99
Amazon UK K £3.99, PB £7.42
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