Publication date UK format 20/10/22 book 328 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

One family. Three generations. And the threads that bind them together ... Successful TV producer Penny has always been a planner. She knows exactly what her future looks like - until an unexpected pregnancy forces her to rethink everything, especially her relationship with the baby's father. Penny's mum Val raised her alone and always taught her daughter to be independent. But she can't understand why Penny seems intent on pushing her away now, when she needs her more than ever. Marguerite, Val's recently widowed mother, has an idea to help heal this rift: sewing together a keepsake quilt for the baby. But as the quilt takes shape, memories surface, and the three women begin to discover more about each other than they ever could have imagined. As Christmas approaches, will they finally realise that maybe they've been looking for happiness in all the wrong places?
My Review
This was a nice enough story, but it wasn't really for me. I did read it all and liked that it was a family orientated story. It just failed to keep my attention. I really needed a more interesting and exciting storyline. The characters were nice enough. I just didn't connect with them. Just remember that this book might not be my cup of tea, but it might be yours. It was well enough written. So, if you like the sound of the synopsis, why not try a sample. My average rating might be your 5 star read. I loved the title, but there was nothing exciting or interesting about making the quilt.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating a story that I am sure others will like more than me.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US PB $18.45
Waterstones PB £13.99
Google Books EB £4.99
Kobo EB £4.99
Amazon UK K £4.99, PB £8.99
All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember to review all books you finish reading so others can find these amazing books. All reviews help just remember not to tell people what the book is about as everyone has already read the synopsis. Just include what you liked and felt when reading the book.