Publication date UK format 3/2/22 book 442 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

1996: An elderly lady looks back at her life, remembering her experiences during the war on Jersey, her sister's journey, and the one tragic loss she can never forget...
1940: Sisters Alice and Jenny are in their early twenties when the Germans occupy their home of Jersey. Alice, a nurse, is called to work in the German hospital, unaware that she will find a great love but that she will make an even greater sacrifice and be sent to a place across the seas where she will witness unbearable suffering. Meanwhile her sister Jenny is drawn into a circle of islanders who decide to rise up and resist the occupiers. For both sisters, the war will cause them to make extraordinary choices, experience unimaginable heartbreak, and emerge forever changed...
My Review
Wow this was such an amazing book. It literally had everything you could ever wish for in a WW2 historical fiction story. It had wonderful close family and friend ties. A wonderful sense of community. A wonderful love Story that was extremely interesting. It had plenty of excitement, heartwarming and gut wrenching moments. This book really took me on a roller coaster ride. The book was that good that I read it all in one day. I just couldn't put it down. I thought the book started slow as we get to know the area and the people. I loved how this book was set in Jersey. I found the characters were believable and I became so emotionally involved in them. Then the pace of the book picks up and there is no looking back. There was plenty of unexpected twists and turns that will shock you. This was definitely a page turner and a edge of your seat read. I really can't recommend this book enough you are just going to love this book if you love historical fiction books set during WW2. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this very talented author. What's more this book was wrote based on true events.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this wonderful story that has to become a best seller and really should be made into a movie or series. I have everything crossed that it does.
Where you can buy this book
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Amazon UK K £2.99, AUDIBLE, PB £8.27
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