Publication date UK format 17/2/21, Audio 10 hrs, Book 320 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishing team and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this book for review. All my reviews are honest. I am one person so I recommend if in doubt download a sample to try it out.

Captain Alfred Lowenstein was known as many things during his glamorous and gaudy life. Companion of the Bath, friend of kings, an aviator and sportsman, a maker and loser of fortunes, and most favorably, a multi-millionaire. That is, until his mysterious death. On a July evening in 1928, Lowenstein boarded his aircraft with six others to travel from England to Brussels. He never arrived. While flying over the English Channel, Lowenstein fell through an exit door of the airplane on his way to the lavatory. People were quick to explain his mysterious death. Many said his fall was an accident while others speculated that he jumped from the plane to commit suicide. And of course, there were the more sinister theories claiming that someone pushed him out of the aircraft. But who? And why? Investigative journalist William Norris develops a theory of how and why this prominent, rich, and famous man died so violently without any explanation or official investigation. Did Lowenstein fall, did he jump, or was he pushed from his own aircraft? The Man Who Fell from the Sky contains excitement and mystery as Norris researches the business tycoon's life, death, and aftermath of his demise and comes to a conclusion of how Alfred Lowenstein vanished into thin air. My Review I enjoyed reading this very interesting book. I have given it 3.5 stars rounded up. This is not marked down for the story or its written style it was just the subject matter wasn't fully to my taste. I listened to the audiobook . I am just getting into true crime books. The title of this book instantly drew me in. I knew nothing about the subject matter which was probably why it didn't get my highest rating. I did find this book very intriguing. The author had a brilliant understanding of the case and brought across a really good account and evidence looking at this true crime case from every angle. I enjoyed the narrators presentation of this book and kept me enjoying it right until the end. I found it really interesting and loved the very clever outcome at the end . I would recommend this book to real true crime fans who really are interested in business as a motive. I would like to thank the author and publishers for bringing us this thoroughly interesting and thought provoking case to light.
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