Publication date UK format 1/9/22 book 240 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

The history of Mars is drawn not just on its surface, but also down into its broken bedrock and up into its frigid air. Most of all, it stretches back into deep time, where the trackways of the past have been obliterated by later events, and there is no discernible trace of where they started from or how they travelled, only where they ended up. As NASA lays it plans for a return to the moon and, from there, a manned mission to Mars, there has never been a better time to acquaint ourselves with the dramatic history and astonishing present of the red planet. Planetary geologist, geophysicist and acclaimed SF author Dr Simon Morden takes us on a vivid guided tour of Mars. From its formation four and half billion years ago, through an era of cataclysmic meteor strikes and the millions of years during which a vast ocean spanned its entire upper hemisphere, to the long, frozen ages that saw its atmosphere steadily thinning and leaking away into space, Morden presents a tantalising vision of the next planet we will visit. With a storyteller's flair, piecing together the latest research and data from the Mars probes, the most up-to-date theories of planetary geology, and informed speculation as to whether there has been life on Mars, The Red Planet is as close as we can get to an eye-witness account of this incredible place.
My Review
This was a fantastic read. I could of done with this book 18 years ago when I was writing my dissertation on water on Mars. It certainly explains everything you ever want to know about Mars. The author writes with passion and explains everything so well. I loved the flow of the book and ease in with I took in all the information. For the 5th star I would of loved to see some pictures to break up the text. It would of given it that extra dimension. The text was so informative that its probably the most comprehensive book I have read so far about Mars. I really couldn't put this book down and I read it in one day.
I really can't recommend this book enough. If you have any interest in Mars then I know you will love it to. Its definitely a must read book.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this fantastic book that I became easily engrossed in and learnt so much from. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this amazing author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $17.99, HC $25.06, PB $14.39
Waterstones PB £9.99
B&N HC $26.95, EBOOK $17.99
Kobo ebook £7.19
Amazon UK K £6.64, HC £11.75, PB £9.99
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