Publication date 6/1/22 Audiobook 9 hrs 56 mins Book 379 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this book to read and review. I always leave honest reviews.

Two can keep a secret – if one of them is dead. The next gripping thriller from the author of #1 ebook bestseller The Vow – pre-order now. ‘Everyone has secrets. And now, one of mine is yours…’ As the only two teenagers in a small village, Hollie and Niamh tell each other everything. Behind Abingworth’s closed doors, every family has its secrets – and theirs might hide the worst ones of all. One day Hollie tells Niamh about a devastating discovery, swears her to secrecy … then vanishes. All the villagers claim to know nothing. Until Hollie’s body is found, and the police know one of their number isn’t just a liar, but a killer… What did Hollie tell Niamh before she died? And who would kill to keep the secret? A completely unputdownable suspense which will leave you reeling at the final twist…
My Review
Wow I loved this book. It was so gripping that it had me at the edge of my seat throughout. Its a fantastic page turner that I had to binge read it as I couldn't put it down. I just had to know what was going to happen next I couldn't wait. Let's just say all my plans went out of the window and I had a very late night with this book. The storyline was epic and was packed to the brim with twists and turns you might just get whiplash. You just seemed to not be able to trust anyone in this book. They were all the suspect at one point or another. They all seemed so shady in one scene or another it was that well wrote cleverly leading us up the wrong garden path. It was WOW. And is definitely a book you find yourself saying well I didn't see that one coming. Expect the unexpected. I listened to the audiobook and loved the narrator she was truly brilliant at creating such a wonderful sense of atmosphere and tension. I could not of predicted how this book would end at all as you just couldn't trust anyone of the characters. Yet you felt so connected to the characters to love and hate them in equal measures. This is definitely going to be the next big seller. The end was wow but im guessing you would be just as shocked as I was. I can not wait to read more from this truly amazing author. I really can't recommend this book enough it was a big stand out book and has to be in the running for some awards this year. Many thanks to the author and publishing team for creating this magnificent action packed suspense thrill/ mystery book that just blew me away with its powerful sense of atmosphere that captivated me until the very end.
Where you can buy this book
Waterstones Paperback £7.99
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Amazon UK Kindle £2.99 Available on Audible Paperback £7.99
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