Publication date UK format 28/2/23 book 288 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

An accessible, balanced chronicle of how the Israel-Palestine conflict originated and developed over the past century. The Shortest History books deliver thousands of years of history in one riveting, fast-paced read. The ongoing struggle between Israel and Palestine is one of the most bitter conflicts in history, with profound global consequences. In this book, Middle East expert Michael Scott-Baumann succinctly describes its origins and charts its evolution from civil war to the present day. Each chapter offers a lucid explanation of the politics and ends with personal testimony from Palestinians and Israelis whose lives have been impacted by the dispute. While presenting competing interpretations, Scott-Baumann examines the key flashpoints, including the early role of the British, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the Six Day War of 1967, and the Trump administration's peace plan, pitched as "the deal of the century," in 2020. He delineates both the nature of Israeli control over the Palestinian territories and Palestinian resistance—going to the heart of the clashes in recent decades. The result is an indispensable history, including a timeline, glossary, and analysis of why efforts to restore peace have continually failed and what it will take to succeed.
My Review
This was a great book that u learned so much from. Before reading this book, I knew little about their histories. It certainly made me feel like I understand the countries troubles. I certainly recommend reading this book as it is so interesting. It's a great introduction and made me feel like I want to learn more. It was well written and easy to understand. I love this series of books as it overs many countries across the globe. They are a brilliant starting point. They give you plenty to think about.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this very interesting book. I am certainly looking forward to reading the Greece book next.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K £11.99, PB $15.99
B&N PB $16.95, EB $11.99
Amazon UK PB £17.35
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