Publication date 30/9/21 Book 256 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this book to read and review.
If you are doing my reading challenge on Facebook Ladyreading365's reading challenge this book would fit into the following prompts #1, #10, #16 #23 #27 #40 #44

'One of them shouted "A Merry Christmas English. We're not shooting tonight." . . . [then] they stuck up a light. Not to be outdone, so did we. Then up went another. So, we shoved up another. Soon the lines looked like an illuminated fete.' Rifleman Leslie Walkington On Christmas Eve 1914, a group of German soldiers laid down their arms, lit lanterns and started to sing Christmas carols. The British troops in nearby trenches responded by singing songs of their own. The next day, men from both sides met in No Man's Land. They shook hands, took photos and exchanged food and souvenirs. Some even played improvised football games, kicking around empty bully-beef cans and using helmets for goalposts. Both sides also saw the lull in fighting as a chance to bury the bodies of their comrades. In some parts of the front, the truce lasted a few hours. In others, it continued to the New Year. But everywhere, sooner or later, the fighting resumed. Today, the Christmas Truce is seen as a poignant symbol of hope in a war that many people regard as unnecessary and futile. But what was the real story of those remarkable few days? In this fascinating new book, historian Anthony Richards has brought together hundreds of first-hand reminiscences from those who were there - including previously unpublished German accounts - to cast fresh light on this extraordinary episode.
My Review
This book was amazing. It had me hooked from the very start. It is truly awe inspiring book. I just loved the authors style of writing keeping the book light and following. Without packing it tight with facts that make it heavy reading. I just breezed on through it while learning so much. You could tell from the start that it was well researched. It was fantastic reading the eyewitness accounts of the truces and the fraternization between enemies on minute, friends the next then vice versa . I really enjoyed learning about how the officers and Higher up dealt with this. It was so factual and well layed out into nice easy chapters. I especially loved reading about one soldiers account of the truce from the Manchester regiment. Which is my home town, so I felt even more connected with the book. I can't wait to read more from this author as he is one to look out for. So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for bringing a truly stunning accounts of the truces during the first World War in such a fascinating style.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Kindle $8.76 Hardcover $45.56
Waterstones Hardcover £19.99
Barnes and Nobles Nook $14.99
Kobo ebook £6.49 Audiobook free with trial or £14.38
Amazon UK Kindle £6.49 Hardcover £13.99
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