Publication date UK format 25/8/22 book 273 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

I see you. Inside the cage you have been given. The cage you have made. The cages we have all made It's 2020 and an Englishwoman is journeying with her husband and young daughter to the white rock off the coast of Mexico, to give thanks for the birth of their child, even as her faith in her marriage - and the future itself - is unravelling. It is 1969 and a singer, on the run from the law, from his rabid fans and from an America burning with the fever of the Vietnam War, washes up in a hotel at the edge of Mexico, hoping to lose - and maybe find - himself. In the first years of the Twentieth Century, a girl and her sister are torn from their homeland and taken by force to the coast. As their future is recast in the name of progress and power, she turns to the stories of her people to keep them alive. And in 1775 a young Lieutenant of the Spanish line, preparing to set sail from the White Rock to continue the conquest of the Pacific coast, appears to lose his grip on reality, with far-reaching and fatal consequences ... The White Rock is a breathtaking novel of lives echoing through time, of the many forms of violence and love, and what happens when the stories we have lived by can no longer keep us safe.
My Review
This was a very interesting book. Its 4 stories centred around a white rock island in South America. Each of the people in the stories is drawn to the rock. I really enjoyed the first two stories. I thought it was very interesting that the author didn't use names. Which actually helped me out as I am terrible at remembering names in books lol. The stories stick but the names disappear into oblivion. The first story is about the writer, then the rock star. Each story goes further back in time. Unfortunately I lost interest in the last two stories they just didn't hold my interest and I don't know why. This is the first book I have team by this author and I commend her for writing this book in such a unique style. I really enjoyed reading most of this book so I have given it a 3.5 star rating round up as it is better than a 3 star book. The author wrote this book well. It was obviously well researched and it followed really well. To some people the connections between the 4 stories and the rock is not obvious. But I don't think I am giving to much away by saying they are drawn to it as each has something they need to change in there lives.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating such an interesting and very unique book.
Where you can buy this book
Waterstones HC £14.99
Google Books ebook £9.99
Kobo audiobook £13.00 ebook £9.99
Amazon UK K £9.99, AUDIBLE, HC£12.21, PB £8.99
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