Publication date UK fomat 13/12/22 book 286 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Reviewer's Choice Award, Feathered Quill Books Tangled influences compel a young girl to hide her true nature until one weekend in her mid-20s when the truths she’s been suppressing call her to a crossroads she can’t avoid. Insulated from societal mores by her glamorous mother and humble father, six-year-old Beatrice—barefoot in ratty overalls—tunes into animals, senses the unspoken, and thrives. But when tragedy penetrates their rural Vermont bubble, Beatrice is thrust into a world that tells her she has no place unless she hides her depth, pretties up, and falls in line. She complies. Years later in San Francisco, incongruities in Beatrice's life abound. What’s real is hidden. What’s false is celebrated. She numbs and sidesteps and, despite inner warnings, artfully outruns thoughts of her family, the girl she once was, and the woman she pretends to be. But when a cascade of events steers her back to her childhood home, a discovery in a rundown barn quiets her. In the still point, she sees her crossroads: should she carry on the known path or step into uncertainty? Her future rests on her interpretation of change. Anxiety and loss. Or hope and renewal. She must decide who she is. In beautiful, spare prose, The Wisdom of Winter explores the tenacity of misbeliefs, the magic in forgiveness, and the artistry of the natural world in healing the past.
My Review
This was a nice story. It was quite a sad story that included loss. It was well written, and I loved that it involved horses. I rated this book 3.5 stars rounded up. It was an enjoyable story that I finished in one morning. I loved how bea was able to connect with animals. The characters were nice and realistic. There were lots of emotions in this book that the author got across quite well it made me feel for bea. I connected mostly with the story, but the pace was a little slower than I would have liked.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating a nice story that includes horses.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $7.99, HC $24.99, PB $15.95
Waterstones PB £14.99
B&N HC $24.99, PB $15.95
Amazon UK K £6.71, HC £21.99, PB £14.99
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