Publication date UK format 27/9/22 book 296 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

William Meffert is a surgeon. His father was a surgeon. And now, so is his son. Three generations familiar with incisions, blood, and loss. From World War II and Vietnam to modern operating rooms, they have all fought the battle for human life. Now, Meffert journeys with his son to chart his family’s history through the changing world of combat surgery and beyond to reveal the universal truths that connect them across generations. As Meffert travels with his son to field hospital locations of World War II and Vietnam, they encounter detailed memories of trauma surgery, wounded soldiers, and the effects of war—a stark reminder of its cost on humankind. Throughout, Meffert meditates on the lasting impact of conflict and the pressures of a surgeon’s life, from being forced to make immediate life-or-death decisions for unknown patients, to the realities of blood and gore, to the difficulty of sharing these experiences with the uninitiated. Linking together the individual lives of grandfather, father, and son, There Were No Flowers is a story of war, surgery, trauma, and the joys of fatherhood, family, and love in the face of it all.
My Review
This was a very interesting story. I loved every minute of this book. It was so well wrote and flowed so well. What I loved so much about this book was how the author was brought up. His father was a doctor and started him early by allowing him to watch his surgeries from a very young age. The surgeons explained everything as they went along. This was fascinating and I don't think I would be able to do that. The majority of this book covers the authors service in the medical core during the Vietnam War. It was very interesting that back in the day some procedures had not even been preformed. Wars seem to advance medical procedures as they will try anything to save their patients. It was amazing to read how many times he had to think on his feet. This was very exciting and I definitely recommend reading this book. Especially if you love autobiographies about surgeons during wars or even those who love learning history of the Vietnam and what to find out what it was like being a surgeon during this time. This is definitely a real page turning story that you will find difficult to put down.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this wonderful, shocking and very interesting story. I would definitely read more books by this author and I would like to thank him for his service.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $9.49, PB $16.95
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Kobo EB £8.65
Amazon UK K £8.65, PB £15.05
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