Publication date UK format 5/4/22 book 256 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

For everyone from frequent fliers to aviation geeks, travel buffs to nervous travelers, Captain Doug Morris tells you everything you want (and need!) to know about flight Captain Doug Morris has been writing for his airline's inflight magazine for 23 years and has answered a gamut of questions. This Is Your Captain Speaking will draw from his extensive experience and explain everything you ever wanted to know about airline travel: whether airliners have keys, why the bumps, what aircrew get up to on layovers, what's the deal with "mile high memberships", how to become a pilot. It also provides entertaining anecdotes from air travel's unsung heroes -- flight attendants. It's the A to Z of airline travel with a twist of humor. The flight deck door will always be closed, but Doug exposes the unique inner world of aviation to the public.
My Review
Wow this book was amazing. I loved every second of it. The captain of a Dreamliner plane actually tells us every we would possibly need to know about planes, passengers and airports around the globe. I learnt so much from reading it and was so engrossed in it I actually lost track of time. I loved the way the author wrote this book as it flowed wonderfully. I thought it was amazing at just how funny and witty the author was. I really do recommend this book to all those frequent fliers and all those with a love of the industry. Even those like me who just love to learn new very interesting things. I loved the way he also suggested other books you can read on the different subjects he covered. There are so many fantastic things to learn while reading this book. The author has definitely lived a very interesting life. I'm positive you will not be able to put down this book. You will love it just as much as I did. I'm sad that it ended I could of read it for a very long time.
The highest praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this truly amazing and fascinating book. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this fantastic author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $15.93 PB $17.95
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B&N PB $15.95, N $10.49, AUDIO
Kobo ebook £6.49 , Audio £14.38
Amazon UK K £12.23 PB £14.99
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