Publication date 9/11/21 (UK date format) Book 240 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this book to read and review for all of you. I always leave honest reviews.

A captivating and definitive account of the final days of Van Gogh's life and the incredible story of what followed. Divided into three parts, the book first examines the eventful days from the artists’ departure from the asylum in Saint-Remy and arrival in Auvers until the shooting which brought his life to an end. During this time Van Gogh completed 70 paintings in 70 days. The second part delves deeper into the story of the artist’s death, which has intrigued both experts and the public for years, revealing little-known stories and uncovering overlooked accounts. We then follow the story of how Van Gogh subsequently rose from relative obscurity to international renown and ultimately fame as one of the most recognisable and popular artists in the world.
My Review
3.5 stars This was a great book and very interesting. I love learning about art and artist's work and life. I definitely learnt alot from reading this book. It covers his few months spent in Auvers before his death and the works he completed there. It was very interesting reading about the very small small room that he lived in and that you can still visit it today. It also covers the controversy over his death. Was it suicide, an accident or a murder. It was amazing to read how her became famous after his death and the amount of fakes that was created of his work. It was great that it was wrote in chronological order. At the end of the book there is a very useful timeline and direction to all the places he painted in Auvers. You could tell this book was well researched and it was very well wrote. The cover is wonderful and really stands out. I loved all the pictures in this book. I always find the impressionist era rather interesting. Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating such a wonderful and insightful look into Van Goghs final months and an independent look at his works.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Hardcover $32.24
Waterstones Hardcover £25.00
Google books ebook £19.99
B&N Hardcover $40.00 Nook $30.49
Kobo ebook £14.39
Amazon UK Hardcover £17.99
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