Publication date UK format 11/11/21 book 274 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

What a great story this was . Not only is this a fantastic about 2 gorgeous dogs brought together in the most unique way. But also a great read around there owners. Which was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. I really loved the way the author wrote this book with such passion. As I don't know how many owners who would hire a dog nanny. She owned a wonderful dog called Minnie who seemed more famous that her own owner especially are the markets. Harry's owner had definitely lead a very interesting life and there was nothing that the dog went without including the most adorable hand made costumes. It is such a shame his owners life took a downwards spiral. But at least one thing came of this story Harry did meet and love Minnie even though there were both very different characters. The author brought a fantastic sense of atmosphere that really brought out my emotions while reading it. At times I was nearly brought to tears as it was so heartbreaking at the end. Its such a great read that I definitely recommend this book to all dog fans as I just know you will feel so many emotions while reading it. There was also so many funny stories where the dogs characters really came out. I especially loved the story of the laundry basket. Having a dog myself I can certainly relate to my dogs fascination with lying on my diety washing pile. Or inside my bed like a little mole.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this very interesting story that I struggled to put down and had to finish in one sitting.
My Review
What a great story this was . Not only is this a fantastic about 2 gorgeous dogs brought together in the most unique way. But also, a great read around their owners. Which was both heart-breaking and heart-warming. I really loved the way the author wrote this book with such passion. As I don't know how many owners who would hire a dog nanny. She owned a wonderful dog called Minnie who seemed more famous that her own owner especially are the markets. Harry's owner had definitely led a very interesting life and there was nothing that the dog went without including the most adorable handmade costumes. It is such a shame his owners life took a downwards spiral. But at least one thing came of this story Harry did meet and love Minnie even though there were both very different characters. The author brought a fantastic sense of atmosphere that really brought out my emotions while reading it. At times I was nearly brought to tears as it was so heart-breaking at the end. It's such a great read that I definitely recommend this book to all dog fans as I just know you will feel so many emotions while reading it. There was also so many funny stories where the dog's characters really came out. I especially loved the story of the laundry basket. Having a dog, myself I can certainly relate to my dog's fascination with lying on my dirty washing pile. Or inside my bed like a little mole.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this very interesting story that I struggled to put down and had to finish in one sitting.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K$10.99, AUDIBLE, HC $18.57 PB $14.99
Waterstones PB £7.99
B&N HC $23.99, PB $14.99, EBOOK $10.99
Kobo audio £19.99, ebook £2.99
Amazon UK K£2.99, AUDIBLE, HC £8.96, PB £6.13
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