Publication date UK format 15/11/20 book 334 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Number One bestselling author Gill Sims is back with her eagerly awaited fourth and final Why Mummy novel. I just wanted them to stop wittering at me, eat vegetables without complaining, let me go to the loo in peace and learn to make a decent gin and tonic. It genuinely never occurred to me when they were little that this would ever end – an eternity of Teletubbies and Duplo and In The Night Bastarding Garden and screaming, never an end in sight. But now there is. And despite the busybody old women who used to pop up whenever I was having a bad day and tell me I would miss these days when they were over, I don’t miss those days at all. I have literally never stood wistfully in the supermarket and thought ‘Oh, how I wish someone was trailing behind me constantly whining ‘Mummy, can I have, Mummy can I have?’ while another precious moppet tries to climb out the trolley so they land on their head and we end up in A Again. Mummy has been a wife and mother for so long that she’s a little bit lost. And despite her best efforts, her precious moppets still don’t know the location of the laundry basket, the difference between being bored and being hungry, or that saying ‘I can’t find it Mummy’ is not the same as actually looking for it. Amidst the chaos of A-Levels and driving tests, she’s doing her best to keep her family afloat, even if everybody is set on drifting off in different directions, and that one of those directions is to make yet another bloody snack. She’s feeling overwhelmed and under appreciated, and the only thing that Mummy knows for sure is that the bigger the kids, the bigger the drink.
My Review
I love this book it had me in stitches throughout. The author has such a humours style of writing unlike any I have ever read before. I just don't know how she does it but literally everything she says and that the characters do is totally hilarious. It reads like it is based on the authors life but is a work of fiction. Or is it real? This question has always made me wonder. The author creates such amazing characters that you can really connect with and seem so life like . The story is so close to the truth that anyone with kids will relate to and those without would probably be thankful they are without. If you love reading hilarious books about parenting, with romance and plenty of drama this book is definitely for you. It's just so whitty and at times I find myself saying out loud did she really say that or no way. You will definitely come out of this book with sore face muscles from the constant smiling and laughing. I dare you to readthis book in public and not laugh out loud. I was in the park with my dog laughing. I couldn't do it. I am now dreading my daughters teenage years which is starting early as apparently mum's don't kiss child aged 10 ! If anything in this book is to go on im in for a crazy roller coaster ride.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a life like story and full of sayings that you find yourself starting using. I will definitely continue to read everything that this author writes.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $12.99, HC $15.60 PB £9.47
Waterstones PB £8.99
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B&N EBOOK £12.99
Kobo ebook £3.99
Amazon UK K £3.99, AUDIBLE, HC £12.38, PB £4.50
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